Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh the Places You Will Go


Welcome to "Will Cook for College" my very first blog and fundraiser. As most of you are aware, college can be very expensive, averaging $15,000 a semester. I am applying to three different private colleges around the country, and have just gotten accepted to a semester with NOLS starting September 13th. I have spent a lot of time considering all the ways I might pay for these tuitions and I realized that my best option is to capitalize on my skills. So I am hosting these fundraisers for my college tuition.

I will be cooking a sit-down dinner and a family style weekend brunch. Getting to eat all these delectable morsels couldn't be easier - all you have to do is buy the ticket and enjoy! Can't make it to either feast? Fear not, there are more ways to get involved. You can click on the cute button to the right and donate any amount you want.

Everything, every gift, every penny, is going into a CD account and will accrue interest until the time comes months from now when I pay my tuition.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I'll see you when we sit down to eat!

But how do I Donate?

Helping the cause couldn't be easier. At the bottom of each post there is as a PayPal button that helps you purchase tickets to Brunch and Dinner.

You want to make a straight donation? Great! On the right hand side of the blog there is another lovely PayPal button that says "Donate" on it. Click on it and donate away. It couldn't be simpler!

Again, thank you, thank you, and thank you. Your help makes all the difference to me.

"It's not quite breakfast, it's not quite lunch, but it comes with a slice of cantaloupe at the end."

I'm holding a very special fundraising brunch this spring, and I'm sure you'll love it. On Saturday May 29th, I'll be hosting brunch from ten in the morning to one in the afternoon - I've even made a special request to the weather gods for blue skies and lots of sunshine.

Just to pique your interest further here is a peak at the menu:

Baked maple french toast
Spanish frittata
Grilled asparagus with mustard dressing
Fruit salad and yogurt
And an array of sweet and savory nibbles

Excited yet? Ticket prices range on a sliding scale from $25 to $75, depending on what you are able to give. Please keep in mind that this is a fundraiser, so every extra dollar helps. And keep in mind that we need a minimum of 15 guests for this box social to happen so please get your tickets soon!

Thank you so much.

Brunch Tickets

Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, won’t you join the dance?

Dinner will be a celebration of spring, rebirth and the abundance of fresh produce currently available. Bring wine and a joke and I will do everything else. In true European style the meal will unfold slowly, antipasto, soup, salad, cheese, fruit, all surrounding the piece de resistance; hand made pizza in multiple veggie oriented flavors.

Are your taste buds dancing? Grab a ticket! The table is set for Saturday June 5th at 7pm so we can all enjoy the sunset together. Prices range on a sliding scale from $55 to $125, depending on what you are able to give. Please keep in mind that this is a fundraiser, so every extra dollar helps. And keep in mind that we need a minimum of 8 guests for this soiree to happen so please get your tickets soon!

Dinner Tickets